Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cirque du Soleil

Recently I attended a festival called Cirque du Soleil that was very new to me. Over Spring Break, my brother and I flew out to Seattle and then to Portland in order to visit my aunt whom we rarely get a chance to see. Upon arriving in Seattle, she told the both of us that she had bought us all tickets to go see this event. Prior to this trip, I had no experience with Cirque du Soleil and had relatively no idea what it was all about. If you are in the same boat as I was, I will try to do this magnificent event justice as I explain it to the best of my abilities. Cirque du Soleil means “Circus of the Sun” in French and was originally sprung out of Quebec. There are several different shows that tour all around the world and each one is different. Basically, Cirque du Soleil consists of world-class athletes performing unbelievable fetes for an hour and a half. To say it quite boldly…it was the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed in my life.

The show I saw was called Corteo. It was the story of a clown that was envisioning his own funeral. The show was filled with clowns, midgets, giants, and other figures related to the circus. The performers used props ranging from see-saws to trampolines, and from big brass rings and chandeliers to tight rope walkers. Each act was as amazing as the next and I could not turn my eyes away. Some of the performances were so breathtaking and dangerous that I honestly felt like I was about to witness somebody die…fortunately that was not the case. There was a live band playing throughout the program that would truly orchestrate that feeling that the show was portraying at the time. Leading the band were two phenomenal singers that sang in Italian, though most of the dialogue was in English. Corteo also did a great job of getting the crowd involved. Many times, there would be a few of the actors run into the audience and dump popcorn on a crowd member’s head, or something along those lines to get everyone laughing. At one point in the show, one of the two midgets, or small people, was tied to several huge balloons and then cast into the audience where people could literally pass her around like a volleyball. Cirque du Soleil is absolutely brilliant, and I am determined on seeing at least one more of their several shows. They are guaranteed to make you laugh, cringe, and applaud as you witness one of the greatest spectacles on Earth. This has been my response for the forth Encounter Project for my Folklore F-121 class.


Jason Baird Jackson said...

Glad that you enjoyed it so well.

Erin Greenblat said...

2nd Peer Response

I read Matt Stutz fourth encounter project about how he attended Cirque du Soleil. I found that his experience really related to me because I have seen many different Cirque du Soleil shows and they are amazing. I have not seen the show Corteo that he saw but it sounds very fun and interesting and it reminds me a lot of the shows that I saw. It seems very similar to the shows that I saw because they all involved some kind of clown and the picture that he provided at the top of his project looked very similar to the way that the characters in the shows I saw dressed and had their makeup done. Matt talked about how amazing some of the stunts and moves that these performers do during the show and I can relate and back him up on that because some of the stuff that these great performers do is unbelievable. The shows are all fun and funny to watch because there are always certain actors or you could say clowns in the performance that are pulling funny stunts. At the show O that I went to in Las Vegas there was one clown who was always doing something wrong and he was kind of like the joke of the show. While reading Matt’s project I learned something that I didn’t know before I never knew what the meaning of Cirque du Soleil was and I found out from Matt that it mean Circus of the Sun. Reading Matt’s project gave me a deeper sense of what the show is really about and gave me something to relate to because I don’t know a lot of other people who have seen Cirque du Soleil shows.

This is my response for my 2ND Peer Response.